Protests processions across Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) continued under the aegis of Pasban-e Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir against the proposed meetings of G-20 countries in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
Hundreds of students, professors, lecturers, and citizens participated in the protest demonstration against Indian state oppression by waving black flags, and carrying banners and placards calling on G-20 member states to boycott the meeting in the disputed state. They also marched from MUST University to Chowk Shaheedan in Mirpur city of AJK on Thursday. The students of Mirpur University of Science and Technology were chanting slogans like “Boycott Boycott G-20 Boycott,” and ” Indian tyrants leave Jammu Kashmir”.
While addressing the rally, Chairman Pasban-e-Hurriyat Uzair Ahmad Ghazali said that holding a meeting of the G-20 in a disputed state recognized by the United Nations is an open violation of the rules of the international organization. He urged that the permanent members of the Security Council must boycott the meetings in the disputed state as the 4.4 million people of the state not only reject the proposed meetings of the Bharatiya Janata Party government hosted by Narendra Modi, but also call it Indian nefarious agenda to divert world’s attention from deteriorating situation towards normalcy. He maintained that India wants to prove its forced sovereignty over the state by conducting this summit.
Dr. Mirza Aslam said the proposed meeting in Srinagar and Leh might lead to the deprivation of civil liberties in Jammu and Kashmir. “G-20 countries should reject Indian military and political motives behind the meetings”, he added. Dr. Asghar Ali Khan said that according to the United Nations, the G2-0 meeting hosted by an aggressor country in a disputed state was illegal. Dr. Sohaib said Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Indonesia, and China should boycott the meetings in Kashmir to show their respect for human values. Dr. Muhammad Altaf said that the people of the state of Jammu and Kashmir reject Indian military rule. Dr. Saira Shah said the G-20 countries should boycott the meetings under the supervision of the Government of India considering the public sentiments inside Srinagar.