A small delegation of journalists hailing from Pakistan and India met with Ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom, US Department of State Sam Brownback after his weekly briefing on international religious freedom forum at US senate. The meeting that was arranged by the President of US-Pak Foundation Shahab Qarni took place in the backdrop of recent outbreak of violence against Muslims in Delhi and Kashmir. The group of Journalists conveyed to the ambassador that the Hindu journalists in India are being threatened by the extremist Hindutva parties, including the RSS and the ruling party BJP. These journalists stated that they are being forced not to report the violence and persecution against Muslims. The journalists lamented that these extremist Hindutva outfits are threatening them and their families that if they report the truth in media, they will meet a horrible fate. Some journalists who reported the violence have already lost their jobs, and others are facing a similar future. The journalists demanded that they must be ensured protection from the US Department of State so that they can report the brutal situation of Muslims in true letter and spirit.
The ex-senator Sam Brownback, appointed by the Trump Administration, was taken aback and said that he did not know such circumstances were taking place. He asked for credentials and valid evidence so that he can report them to the US state department. The journalists replied that if their identities are not revealed and provided secure email communication, then they can make available all the relevant details and evidence to the ambassador. The senator reiterated that if he is provided with credible information, he shall talk to the state department.
In another meeting with Nicole Ambrose, lead coordinator for International Forum on Religious Freedom at the Trump Presidential Convention, the issue of persecution on the basis of religion came under discussion. Nicole Ambrose said she was bothered over the particular disregard of minorities in India. She added that the US is making efforts to ensure religious freedom across the globe. She revealed that according to the Pew Research Centre, governments are overseeing the religious persecution of minorities, including Rohingyas, Uighurs, and Kashmiri Muslims. She further added that it is an undisputed international standard that the religious persecution of minorities and violation of freedom of expression is utterly unacceptable. According to her, Ambassador Brownback is sturdily advocating the idea of arranging roundtable conferences in all the countries over the issues pertaining to minorities and freedom of speech. Moreover, the US is keeping a close eye on the status of minorities all over the world. President Trump’s Speech in the UN endorses the unwavering stance of the US over the rights of minorities. She opined that governments should take the responsibility of safeguarding the rights of minorities. Later on, the delegation met with the chairman of the International Society of Peace and Justice in India, Dr. Rehan Khan, who also represents the Muslims in India. The chairman endorsed the claims of journalists from India. He added that even the judges who criticize the ruling party BJP are transferred overnight. Moreover, the situation of Muslims both in India and Kashmir is deplorable as they are not only being targeted, but the media are also ignoring their plight amid threats from Hindutva extremists. He further added that those Hindu journalists who are working for the true secular Image of India must be given protection by the US department of state so that the truth can be highlighted publicly. He opined that a platform should be created where journalists can put forth the truth without any fear.